Thursday, March 31, 2022

Should You Wear Shoes At A Standing Desk?

Current research concludes that the general population tends to sit too much during the day. Additionally, as our lives become more automated and digital, many individuals will sit for long periods in front of a computer screen or at desks because of their job requirements. 

Unfortunately, these prolonged periods may have a greater risk to your body and overall health. There are numerous health risks, including obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol, and more, when people do not move throughout the day. 

However, not everyone can change their job to a more active position to better their health. Even performing regular exercises in your spare time may not be enough. So, what can you do to keep healthy if you need to work in an office all day? The answer can be as simple as using a standing desk. 

What Is a Standing Desk? 

 Desky Ergo Edge Standing Desk

A standing desk is simply a desk surface that is able to elevate to a  higher height in order to allow an individual to stand while typing, writing, or performing other desk activities. These desks have numerous features to enable customization and are suitable for people of all heights. 

Depending on your workplace needs, a standing desk may suit your space without worrying about any considerable furniture arrangements in your existing office. The styles and models vary significantly and range in price from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand, subjective to your individual wants and needs. 

Although you will not be moving around while working at a standing desk, taking care of your feet is still vital. Any time you remain in a position for extended periods, it is critical that you observe proper posture and support your joints, limbs, and muscles correctly. 

This way, you can remain comfortable during your workday and prevent future problems or injuries. 

However, how you stand at your workstation can vary. Will you wear shoes, go barefoot, or just enjoy the freedom of wearing socks? Each of these situations will affect how long you can stand, the pressure and stress on your limbs and joints, and how your feet feel after an entire day of work. 

Is Standing Barefoot Good for You?

Yes, standing barefoot is good for you as it can strengthen your feet muscles. However, it really depends on the situation and the length of time that you're standing barefoot for. Many individuals believe that the body is not meant to wear shoes full-time. On the other hand, many factors affect how the body reacts and functions when individuals do not use footwear. Of course, some studies will attest that barefoot is best for your feet, while others insist that the foot requires manufactured supports. 

Let’s take a look at what standing barefoot entails. 

What Happens to the Body When You Stand Barefoot 

The body has to make alternative accommodations when standing barefoot. Because there is nothing between the soles of your feet and the ground, the nerve endings in the feet will be more active. 

These receptors send signals to the brain from your feet and ankles about their position and the surrounding environment. So, naturally, your body will feel and be more aware of the floor surface than when using shoes, so it can make adjustments if necessary. 

Standing barefoot can aid in strengthening the muscles and ligaments in the foot and promoting better movement flexibility. Often shoes will automatically provide stability and support, so the foot does not have to engage its supporting muscles and ligaments. Without footwear, the body must take over these functions. 

Individuals that stand barefoot can help enhance their posture and balance, burn more calories, and improve muscle tone. In addition, anyone who refrains from sitting for long periods may see a decrease in neck, shoulder, or back pain that resulted from an uncomfortable office chair or improper sitting posture. 

Standing and walking without shoes forces the body to hold and maintain its natural positioning. You may find that standing barefoot is more freeing and feels better for your feet, ankles, and legs. 

So, is barefoot standing good for you then? The answer will depend on the person and the amount of time they stand for. 

Consequently, individuals who have concerns with their feet that require corrective inserts or orthopedic shoes will find that having bare feet while standing or walking can aggravate their pain and current problems.

Alternatively, individuals who stand for a prolonged period without shoes can experience adverse reactions to standing barefoot. Foot and leg pain from continuous standing is just one negative side effect, especially if they do not use proper posture. 

The upper body will also help compensate with balance and stability while standing, increasing overall fatigue. 

Proper Weight Distribution 

It can be easier to feel your body weight distribution between feet when you are not wearing shoes. Therefore, your entire body weight should evenly disperse to both feet. 

However, the plantar pressure across the entire sole of the foot is not even throughout. Research shows that the proper total body weight allocation will be approximately 57-60% falling on the heels while 40-43% allocates to the forefoot, and the remaining 6-8% ends up on the arch. 

Alternatively, if there is improper distribution throughout the sole, you can experience knee and hip problems. Therefore, having the correct amount of weight through the foot will ensure that you do not lock your knees or refrain from tilting your hips forward, which could create back pain. 

Is It Better to Stand Barefoot or in Shoes?

If you made the switch to a standing desk or are thinking of including one in your office, proper placement and use are critical for your posture and health. While standing can be better for you than sitting all day, it could be harmful if you are not using the correct tools or resources. 

So, should you stand barefoot or use supportive shoes while using standing desks? First, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of going barefoot. 

Pros of Standing Barefoot

The health benefits of standing barefoot are plenty. 

  • Barefoot standing creates a more natural environment for the body

  • Burns more calories than sitting 

  • Improves posture 

  • Encourages better balance 

  • Strengthens the foot muscles and ligaments 

  • Improves blood flow 

  • Lowers the risk of obesity, high cholesterol, heart disease

  • Lowers blood sugars after eating 

  • Strengthen and improves leg muscle tone 

  • Strengthens the back and core muscles 

Standing and walking barefoot are becoming increasingly more popular. Alternatively, some people take it a step further by venturing outside. Also known as earthing or grounding, this therapeutic method of connecting directly to the earth can be advantageous for many individuals. 

Although there are not many conclusive studies that state the immense benefits of going barefoot outdoors, people may find an improvement in mood, stress release, and a general sense of well-being when regularly going without footwear.  

Cons of Standing Barefoot 

However, every action has an adverse reaction, and there are some negative aspects you may experience when you go barefoot. 

  • Moist environments can heighten the risk of athlete’s foot, plantar warts, or other foot-related health issues 

  • Without proper arch support, some individuals may develop flat feet 

  • Increases overall body fatigue 

  • Back problems and muscle spasms can increase with prolonged standing 

  • Seeing heightened symptoms of pre-existing foot conditions when standing barefoot for long periods 

  • Increases the chances of foot injuries 

  • Does not emulate a professional atmosphere 

  • Poses safety risks for the feet 

When you refrain from wearing shoes, you increase the chances of facing adverse side effects. Spending too much time on bare feet can produce heel pain, plantar fasciitis, and leg discomfort. As with any muscle group, overuse injuries are prominent when the body does not receive adequate rest and recovery. 

If you work in a professional setting outside the home, standing barefoot may not be an option for you. Some companies have policies to restrict this choice in the workplace, while other locations going barefoot may not be possible due to the floor conditions. 

Falling items or clutter in the office can mean stubbed toes or hurt feet that may not occur when you wear shoes. Anyone who wants to put their footwear aside in the office should be mindful of not dropping their stapler or stepping on a thumbtack. 

The Verdict: Bare Feet or Wear Shoes At Your Standing Desk? 

All of this information can be confusing if you are newly exploring the ins and outs of foot health. While there are many benefits to standing with bare feet, wearing shoes with proper support can also be advantageous. 

So, which route do you choose while you work at a standing desk? 

Ideally, you want to recognize how healthy your feet are and if you require additional support when standing. Some people who do not experience any pre-existing conditions may benefit from short periods of standing barefoot. 

However, if there are any concerns about arch support, heel issues, or foot posture orientation, wearing corrective footwear is your best bet. You do not want to aggravate any current problems, creating more discomfort or pain due to standing periods. 

Try Using an Anti-Fatigue Mat

Whether you decide to go barefoot or use supportive shoes while at a standing desk, you can do more for your overall comfort. By using an anti-fatigue mat, you can provide additional benefits for your feet, no matter which route you choose while standing. 

Anti-fatigue mats contain soft materials, such as rubber or vinyl, that help make standing on hard surfaces easier on the feet, limbs, and joints. Additionally, these products provide a cushioned surface that helps promote circulation and reduces overall fatigue. 

Individuals who use these mats at their workstations will typically have better focus, have more energy, and are more productive. So, whether you choose bare feet or shoes, adding an anti-fatigue mat can also benefit your body. 

Which Shoes Are Best for Long-Standing All Day? 

If your feet require supportive footwear while standing for an entire day, not all shoes are created equal. To choose the best comfortable shoes for prolonged standing periods, follow these simple guidelines when making a decision. 

  • Offer proper arch support for your foot alignment, such as pronation or supination 

  • Use cushioned footbeds

  • Ample toe room to accommodate foot swelling 

  • Appropriate foot size to avoid constricting or slipping during wear  

  • Avoid flat shoes like flip flops 

  • Be aware of your gait and if your foot pronates or supinates for proper alignment

  • Provides good ankle support 

Naturally, individual feet will vary from person to person, so what shoe style works best for you may not be suitable for someone else. However, many retailers can provide a free gait and foot assessment to guide you in choosing the best shoe. This way, you are sure to get the perfect product that will not cause issues and help you remain comfortable when you stand for long periods. 

Get the Most Benefits From A Standing Desk 

To receive the most benefits and keep your feet and body happy, healthy, and strong to avoid injuries, you should break up long periods of standing and alternate to a sitting position. Staying in one place for an extended time is not good for your joints and muscles, whether sitting or standing. 

black home office standing desk

Using an adjustable standing desk that will remain lower as you sit and raise to work while standing is ideal. The recommendation of many health professionals is to follow the 20-8-2 rule

For every 20 minutes of sitting, you should stand up for eight minutes and then move for two minutes. This balance can look like sitting at your desk, then raising it up for eight minutes of work, and finally taking a quick walk to refill your coffee cup or take a washroom break. Don't forget to sit ergonomically at your desk for maximum benefit.

While the 20-8-2 rule may not be feasible for everyone, another simple guideline is to sit for 30 minutes and stand for 30 minutes. If standing for this long is challenging, you can try standing each time you receive a phone call, helping to break up your sitting periods. 

Remember to be flexible. Some days you may want to stand more than others, increasing the benefits to your feet, legs, and body, while other times will be the opposite. The most important aspect of using a standing desk is to listen to your body. If you are uncomfortable or in pain, adjustments should be in order. 

Looking for accessories for your new standing desk? Take a look at Desky's range of anti-fatigue mats here!


Sedentary Lifestyle: 7 Reasons Why Sitting Is Killing You

Many office workers have heard at this point that too much sitting is the new smoking. By not getting as much physical activity in a day as we should, we increase the risk of poor health outcomes for ourselves. 

But, how can long periods of sitting all day negatively affect your health? What goes on in the body when this happens and how do you fix it? Let’s take a look at why the modern sedentary lifestyle is harmful to your long-term health. 

Is It Unhealthy To Sit All Day?

The simple fact is that prolonged sitting all day is actually unhealthy for you. There is a scale to how bad this practice can be depending on time spent sitting and how much exercise you get during the week. Still, that doesn’t change the fact that many health professionals consider the dangers of sitting to be the modern killer, like smoking tobacco before that. 

The reason for this is the inactivity that comes with sitting. As a relaxed position, sitting doesn’t engage many muscle groups. Without the regular exercise, our bodies evolved to expect, the various systems of our body degrade and weaken. Sitting can also put your body in a poor posture, hurting the now-weak muscles and nerves of your body. 

Health experts recommend doing what you can to avoid being sedentary. Exercise can have a lot of positive health benefits. Also, using height adjustable desks reduces sedentary behavior.

sit-stand with under table drawer

How Many Hours Of Sitting Is Too Much?

Studies have been done to determine how much sitting is too much for the body. In general, it’s recommended that over an eight-hour workday, you should try to be standing for at least half of it. 

It can be hard to start off doing this though, especially for the majority of adults that tend to be seated while working. Ideally, you’d want to start by standing at work for two hours a day and working up from there. 

However, there’s more to life than just work. It’s estimated that the average adult spends an additional two hours each day sitting at home, bringing the total number of hours seated a day to ten. Considering that four hours is the maximum folks should be aiming for, it’s no surprise that so many adults report conditions that can be linked back to sedentary habits. 

What Are The Side Effects Of Sitting Too Long?

How can prolonged sitting be bad? Many studies are showing the dangers of sitting all day is bad for you, but what are the exact mechanics behind this? 

To start, too much sitting can increase your risk of exposure to the following health risks and diseases: 

  • Heart attack and heart disease: Cardiovascular disease is one of the biggest killers of Americans, partly due to the increased frequency of a sedentary lifestyle.

  • Stroke and blood clots: Similarly, strokes, and the blood clots that can cause them, are more likely to form by someone sitting all day. 

  • High blood pressure: Without exercise to help flush out the plague in the arteries, someone who sits all day has an increased chance of having high blood pressure. 

  • Blood circulation loss: With poor blood flow and increased pressure, the body can’t circulate blood in the same way. 

  • Muscle weakness: Between the lack of exercise and blood flows, muscles weaken as they receive no reason to grow or nutrients from being sedentary. 

  • Weakened immune system: Because most sitting happens indoors, your body isn’t exposed to the same immune signals or sunlight for vitamin production, weakening your ability to fight infection.

  • Cancer risk: Finally, tumors are more likely to form in folks with sedentary lifestyles than those that get some exercise each day. 

What Happens When You Sit For 8 Hours A Day?

With the outcomes of sitting all day laid out, let’s look at what is going on inside the human body that causes these issues to show up. 

First, our muscular and skeletal systems in our body evolved to work best when standing. In a standing position, our body is best able to fit into the correct posture, which can affect mood and productivity in addition to reducing fatigue in our muscles. 

Also, major muscle groups in our body work harder when standing or exercising. Some of these muscle groups, such as your leg muscles or your glutes, grow weaker the more time you spend sitting each day. Over time, this weakness causes an increased risk of injury or strain if you exercise or have an accident. 

Your cardiovascular system also expects you to be standing most of your day. This system evolved to pump our blood best when standing or walking, meaning that blood doesn't flow as effectively when one sits all day. The pressure placed on the back and legs while seated can prevent blood from moving well in these areas, contributing to that weak feeling mentioned earlier. 

Finally, your body views sitting as a period of relaxation and reduced caloric requirements. In other words, when you’re seated, your body doesn’t burn as many calories. This is because hormones like insulin don’t respond to glucose as effectively. The outcome of this resistance is the increased weight gain and risk of diabetes, which are serious health issues that many sedentary folks experience. 

How Do You Treat Sitting Disorder?

The easiest way to treat these disorders and increased risk factors is to find ways to introduce standing and light activity into your busy day. Of course, that can be easier said than done without some help.

How Can I Become More Active After Being Sedentary? 

If you’re not sure where to start to become more active in your day, then here are some recommendations or ideas to get you started: 

Grab A Standing Desk

While it’s not the same as exercising, standing can help alleviate some of the risks of being in one place all day for work. Many folks have jobs that require them to be at their desk all day to handle their tasks. A standing desk can put your body into a better position or posture, helping improve some of the workflow issues sitting all day, every day can cause.

standing desk with led lights

Ideally, your sit-stand desk would be height-adjustable. A height-adjustable desk lets you dial in the top surface of the desk to the correct position for you to work comfortably while standing or sitting. You'll also need an adjustable monitor arm to ensure your screen is at eye level whenever you're sitting or standing. Check out our guide to choosing the best monitor arm if you'd like more tips. Also, most adjustable desks have an electric or pneumatic motor, meaning you won’t have to physically lift your desk to move its work surface. 

With an adjustable sit-stand desk, you can work your way up from sitting all day to splitting your time between both standing and sitting gradually. 

Find Way to Increase Your Movement During The Day

The easiest way to add some movement to your workday is to get up from your desk. So many office workers feel the need to stay at their desks to prevent missing any important calls or emails. The issue is that this feeling causes folks to stay seated even when there isn’t any imperative communication coming in. 

Your commute can be a good place to add in some extra exercise, depending on where you live compared to your workplace. 

Either way, here are some ideas on where you might be able to incorporate some movement into your workday to reduce health problems:

  • Stand on the bus or subway, rather than sit.

  • Walk or bike to work if it is close enough 

  • Take a walk during your lunch break

  • Look for errands at work that require movement, such as hand-delivering documents

  • Use the stairs whenever you can instead of an elevator/escalator. 

Reduce Your Number of Sedentary Home Habits

electric adjustable sit-stand desk in a home office

Most adults spend an extra two hours every workday sitting at home, let alone the number of hours spent sitting on days off of work. Regardless of where you spend your time seated, prolonged sitting can harm your health.  

However, in the comfort of your own home, it’s easy to see how one can get relaxed and stay seated, especially after long days or weeks at the office. Still, when you are home, you have the most control over how you spend your time, meaning you might be able to find creative ways to add some standing or exercise time to your home life. 

If you’re stuck, here are some points of inspiration you might consider to avoid sitting all day at home: 

  • Find a physical hobby you can enjoy at home, such as a sport or gardening. 

  • Walk around your home when on the phone with someone, rather than sitting down.

  • Get up for a stretch or walk break during TV commercials or every thirty minutes of playing video games. 

  • Set a reminder alarm to move every so often when you are sitting at home. 

What Happens If You Sit All Day?

Sitting all day can lead to some nasty health outcomes if done too much. Our bodies didn’t evolve to be sedentary, meaning that getting some physical activity every day is important to maintaining your health and mental state. 

While exercise can solve many of these problems, something as simple as some extra walk breaks at work or a standing desk can go a long way to getting your body in a better state. Regardless of how you get yourself moving more, the key is to avoid the temptation of sitting around to keep your body happy and healthy! Check out Desky's range of standing desks and get your new height adjustable desk today.


Should Runners Use Standing Desks?

Most people know the risks of sedentary lifestyles, and the truth is most people live sedentary lifestyles. To combat the health risks associated with sitting too much, individuals have suggested utilizing standing desks for working professionals. Some people are confident that standing rather than sitting prevents detrimental health issues from occurring due to insufficient physical activity. 

But how about sit stand desks for runners? We all know the dangers of sitting too much. According to an Academic Medical Journal, a third of the global population over the age of 15 does not engage in a healthy amount of physical activity. Worse yet, sedentary lifestyles are related to higher rates of mortality, heart issues, and other metabolic diseases. Still, runners do a fair bit of regular exercise - does that mean they're exempt from sitting disease? The truth is that everyone, including runners, can benefit from periods of both sitting and standing at a height adjustable desk during their work day. 

If you're a runner who's health conscious and interested in ways you can reduce the harmful effects of sedentary lifestyles, check out the following expert guide on standing desks. We answer major questions concerning standing desks and the possible benefits runners may derive from using them.  

home office ergonomic standing desk

Can Exercise And Running Counteract Sitting Damage?

If you are a runner, you may think you are exempt from the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle. Despite your high rates of physical activity, the risks of remaining still for prolonged periods still affect you! 

According to a systematic medical review, long periods of inactivity create health problems that long periods of high activity probably do not counteract. Most medical researchers claim that this area requires more study.

However, plenty of research shows the health benefits of exercising. For example, according to one study, running reduces the risk of developing hypertension or diabetes and helps regulate cholesterol. Another study found that physical activity may act as one of the primary preventers of some cancers, diabetes, and osteoporosis.

More so, exercising improves mental health and leads to a happy and healthy lifestyle. Exercising reduces symptoms associated with stress, anxiety, and depression. Exercising has been linked to improvements in brain memory, and studies show that physical activity releases chemicals in the brain like dopamine and endorphins. 

Can You Reverse Years Of Sitting?

Some studies suggest that it is never too late to start exercising to reduce the effects of years of immobility. For example, the cardiovascular health journal Circulation claims that exercise may have a dramatic, positive effect on the health of a previously sedentary middle-aged person. 

Additionally, some believe that adjustable sit-stand desks play a role in reducing the harmful outcomes of years of sitting still. Some medical professionals believe that even slightly decreasing time spent sitting helps offset years of prolonged sitting. 

How Much Should I Exercise To Counteract Sitting All Day?

Circulation also found that only two years of weekly aerobic exercise increases the health of those formerly desk-bound. Additionally, Baptist Health South Florida published an article detailing how much physical stimulation may offset ten or more hours of remaining sedentary.

Overall, the study concludes that sitting for 10 hours a day increases the risk of chronic disease, including high cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar. Combined, these outcomes can be detrimental and link to the number 1 cause of early death in the United States, which is cardiovascular disease.

The article's findings explain that weekly 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75-150 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity may counter sedentary behavior. Similarly, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that each week, people get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise.

Benefits Of Standing Desks For Runners

sit-stand desk with a laptop riser

Before discussing the benefits of sit-stand desks for runners, be aware of the possible hazards of either standing or sitting too much at your desk. Standing too much or too long leads to potential side effects, and some individuals report more back, leg, foot, and neck pain when using a standing desk. 

Slowly convert to standing by steadily increasing the time you spend at your standing desk to prevent this issue. Do not spend significant amounts of time standing all at once.   

Even more detrimental, standing too often may increase the chances of developing heart disease. Combat this by moving throughout the day and abide by the standing-sitting ratio we outline in our "Tips For Runners To Use A Sit-Stand Desk Correctly" section. 

Despite these shortcomings, standing desks increase a person's metabolic rate because standing burns more calories than sitting. What's more, standing desks help runners deal with aches and pains by giving them the freedom to stretch while they're working and standing at their desk, among other overall health benefits. 

Aches, Pains, and Tightness Reduction 

Standing desks reduce the risk of developing hip flexor tendinitis or Iliotibial Band Syndrome, an injury affecting the knee. Both injuries are prevalent in runners due to the high impact nature of running. Distance runners are especially susceptible to Iliotibial Band Syndrome.

After we run, our hip flexors tighten. When we sit, our hip flexors also tighten. This combination increases the chances that runners will develop hip flexor tendinitis. A standing desk helps strengthen muscles and reduce tightness.

Sitting is unnatural for the entire body. Standing helps open up your body into a natural position, thus addressing overall tightness. When we sit after running, our muscles are more prone to injury. 

Standing as opposed to sitting will not compress the muscles, giving them a chance to loosen rather than tighten. Standing desks allow runners to naturally incorporate stretches while working at the standing desk, which may address muscle tightness even more. Less muscle tightness means shorter recovery times and fewer aches. 

Runners know that vigorous running is hard on the back and neck, and sitting for prolonged periods instigates the pain. According to Occupational and Environmental Medicine, standing reduces neck and back pain and strengthens the core. Using a standing desk helps reduce back pain naturally throughout the workday, increases recovery times, and will help you get back to running faster. 

Overall Health Benefits 

If you do not run as a hobby, you probably run to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Standing desks effortlessly help people lose weight since standing burns significantly more calories than sitting. Researchers claim that standing burns up to 170 more calories a day compared to remaining idle while sitting. 

Not only do running and standing help individuals lose weight, but they also help lower blood sugar levels. For runners, this is important since high blood sugar affects how well you run by slowing muscle growth and progress. 

And, whether you care about running ability or not, low blood sugar indicates a happier and healthier heart. Since standing desks force you to stand, they help prevent sugar spikes and crashes, as well, and may lower blood sugar levels, which is especially true when contrasted to sitting. 

Standing rather than sitting has been linked to increasing energy and improving moods. In other words, standing desks may help individuals increase productivity, feel good about themselves and improve their well-being. Boosting one's energy and mood leads to more motivation to do enjoyable hobbies or even run. 

Tips For Runners To Use A Standing Desk Correctly

Standing desk with a dark top

If you run regularly and develop injuries, standing at a desk may be the opposite of what you prefer to do. On top of all the benefits of adjustable standing desks we just listed, standing may also help runners heal from injuries. 

For example, common running injuries such as Iliotibial Band Syndrome arise due to weak glute muscles. The condition causes connective tissues and ligaments from the pelvis bone down to the shin bone to tighten, causing them to rub and create friction against the thigh bone.

Standing naturally treats the issue since standing strengthens glute muscles. Sitting makes your muscles stay weak and stiffen up, often making any injury worse. 

For runners to reap the most benefits from a standing desk, they must know how to use it correctly! Consider the following areas before using a sit-stand desk. 

Perfect the Standing-Sitting Ratio 

Contrary to common knowledge, studies indicate that a combination of sitting and standing throughout the day limits health risks and optimizes the benefits of both. Together, sitting and standing may be incredibly healthy. 

If your day consists of a lot of sitting time, try breaking it up by alternating between sitting and standing every half hour to hour throughout the day. Stand for a half-hour to an hour for every hour sitting. Use an alarm to remind yourself to alternate, as long as it does not impact your productivity.

Invest in Proper Shoes 

Runners, athletes, and health-conscious people know the importance of comfortable shoes. Proper shoes prevent shin splints, foot pain, and aches through the leg. Physical activity, especially running, invokes high impact, and comfortable shoes absorb shock. 

Standing for a long time is no easier on your body, so proper shoes are necessary. As a runner, foot pain hinders your ability to run, and you may need to take a few days off from running. Buy a standing desk floor mat if you do not own comfortable, work-appropriate shoes. A floor mat provides subtle movement while you stand, which increases comfort in the long run. 

The bottom line, wear comfortable shoes or invest in an anti-fatigue mat. This way, comfortability will not impact your work productivity, and your body will be better taken care of. 

Understand the Importance of Posture 

If you sit uncomfortably at the office, you will have poor posture, especially if you must sit for an extended period. Your muscles will get tired, and you will start to slouch. If you run before you head to the office, your slouching may be worse since your muscles will already be tired. Good posture leads to core strength and better running posture. 

Just like sitting in an uncomfortable chair leads to poor posture, standing at an uncomfortable standing desk will too. If your sit-stand desk causes discomfort, you are not using it correctly. The height of your standing desk and the position of your computer must align with your body to avoid bad posture. 

Fortunately, almost all standing desks can be adjusted. Make sure your desk is adjusted to the height of your elbows by adjusting it until you can reach forward and your forearms are parallel to the floor. Use a monitor arm to ensure your screen is at the ideal position. Your computer screen should be around 2 feet away from your eyes. The screen should also align comfortably with your eye level at no expense to your neck.

To protect your back and neck from the pains of bad posture, invest in a tilting keyboard or an armrest that attaches to your standing desk. Even if you do not want to purchase standing desk add ons, always try to keep your back straight while you work. Additionally, keep your wrists straight and parallel to your desktop so they do not bend, and sit comfortably on your computer. 

When it is time for you to alternate to a sitting position, make sure your chair height aligns with your body. The seat must be parallel with the back of your thighs, ensuring your feet lay flat on the floor. The desktop should be at elbow height, even while sitting. If you have an incredibly uncomfortable office chair, consider purchasing an ergonomic office chair. A new chair spares you from pain in the long run. 

While at your standing desk or regular desk, keep all work materials in a place easily accessible to avoid straining your back. Our handy desk drawers and filing cabinets are a great addition to your height adjustable desk - you'll have all your materials within reach.

Are Standing Desks Beneficial For Runners?

Whether exercising reduces sedentary health issues or not, exercising is good for you. Adding standing desks into your daily equation may pose plenty of health benefits and aid in combating years of immobility. We all know that constant sitting increases heart disease and possibly leads to a reduction in life expectancy. Take a look at our article on whether standing desks are better for health to learn more. 

However, too much standing harms your body as well, especially if you are a runner. Before investing in a standing desk, make sure you understand the risks and know how to properly use your sit-stand desk. When you feel ready to purchase an adjustable height desk, check out Desky's range for quality sit-stand desks. We offer a wide variety of standing desks for every individual's home or office needs.


Thursday, March 24, 2022

Are Standing Desks Better Than Sitting?

If you’re trying to improve your health and you have a desk job, as many people do, you may have considered a standing desk. Standing desks are all the rage, but are standing desks healthier than sitting? Yes, and no. 

We’ll explain the health benefits and risks of standing versus sitting and whether it’s worth it to purchase one. 

Is Standing Really Healthier Than Sitting?

Rubberwood Sit Stand Desk

Using desks for standing has several health benefits, including:

It reduces the chances of gaining weight and developing obesity.

Your body can burn calories easier when standing than when you’re sitting. A Mayo Clinic study showed that people who stood at least 25% of the time had a lower body fat percentage than those that sat the whole time. 

It lowers your chances of developing heart disease.

Choosing to use a standing desk instead of sitting lowers blood sugar and cholesterol and keeps weight off. All this helps decrease your risk of heart problems. 

It helps lower the likelihood of type 2 diabetes and other metabolic diseases.

Breaking up sitting with standing, or even just walking for 5 minutes, can reduce blood sugar levels by 34%, especially in postmenopausal women. 

Standing lowers your long-term risk of death.

Research shows that not only can being sedentary lead to diabetes and heart disease; it can also lead to untimely death. One study suggested you could raise your life expectancy by two years if you reduce your daily sitting time to three hours. 

Standing helps reduce your chances of getting cancer.

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, inactivity can cause higher risks of 3 types of cancers. Those who sit a lot, even those who exercise regularly, have a higher risk of developing cancer. Standing up throughout the day gets your circulation moving and reduces inflammation and other things that increase cancer risk. 

Standing can help ease or reduce chronic pain in the back.

Researchers have found that workers who use sit-stand desks are more likely to report pain-free days. Another study found that switching from a seated to a standing position every 30 minutes during the workday helps to reduce fatigue and back pain in obese or overweight people. 

Does Standing Help Strengthen Your Back?

Standing doesn’t help strengthen your back, but it can help reduce back discomfort. According to one study, patients who used a standing desk and took part in counselling to improve sedentary behavior reduced their back pain significantly compared to a control group with neither intervention. 

dual motorized home office electric sit-stand desk

How Long Should You Stand at a Standing Desk?

If you’re going to use a standing desk or an adjustable desk, start with standing for 30 to 60 minutes a day and gradually increase it. This way, your body gets used to standing for prolonged periods. Consider setting a timer to remind you when to sit or stand. 

Many of these desks feature electric controls so that workers can easily adjust the height as needed. 

In addition, if you’ve hurt your back outside the office, you may be better off using a sitting desk until it’s healed, or at least standing only for short periods.

Is It Bad To Use A Standing Desk All Day? 

Yes, it is bad to use a standing desk all day. Even with all the benefits standing offers, too much standing can be bad. It’s best to get a good balance of both standing and sitting. We've covered this in more detail in our post about using a standing desk all day.

Though standing has a lot of benefits, it doesn’t do much to help lower your risk of heart disease, and sitting for too long can cause several health issues, including:

Problems With the Spine and Lower Back

Prolonged sitting stresses the spine and joints, particularly the shoulders and hips, especially if sitting incorrectly. If you have to sit, sit with a good posture to reduce your chances of developing back problems or sciatica. Using a standing desk instead of conventional desks reduces back and neck pain as you can adjust your desk to the perfect height for you.

Heart Disease

Reduced physical activity contributes to the development of cardiovascular disease, the number one killer of both men and women. Prolonged sitting causes the flow of blood to the legs to decrease. It also affects blood sugar levels and blood pressure because it changes how blood vessels function.

Gaining Weight and Becoming Obese

There is a link between prolonged sitting and weight gain and a very close connection to diabetes. One hundred years ago, movement was a constant part of our lives. However, now we move less because technology has made things easier. 


The act of sitting at a desk all day and being sedentary both appear to contribute to cancer risk.

Remember that not sitting can mean many things. You could take brief breaks for activity, sit on an exercise ball, fit disk or wobble stool, or make your commute to work active by walking for part of it. 

Is It Worth It to Get a Standing Desk?

Yes. Adjustable sit-stand desks allow you to change the height of your desk as needed so you can enjoy a more active workspace where you can stand, sit, lean, and stretch naturally while adjusting the desk height quickly.

The Desky Dual Scalloped Sit Stand Desk can be placed against a wall or with a desk opposite while not restricting the position of accessories like monitor arms. The dual motors in this desk provide 140kg of lift, which is enough to support the most complicated workstation, and the frame is the most stable on the market. 

It has a height range of 60 to 125 cm, so it accommodates a wide range of individuals sitting or standing.

The LED controls let you adjust the desk with a push of a button. You can program 4 different settings to save your favorite heights easily.

white and grey computer standing desk

Do You Burn More Calories With a Standing Desk?

According to research, you can burn a few more calories standing than sitting. Researchers found that standing burns an additional 0.15 calories per minute on average compared with sitting. The average man burns 0.2 extra calories per minute when standing, twice the amount most women burn.

That means that a 140-pound person would burn 54 more calories if they stood all day instead of sitting. That probably won’t help someone lose weight, but it can help prevent weight gain. 

Which Is Worse, Sitting vs Standing All Day?

According to one study, being on your feet all day is twice as bad as sitting for your heart. However, sitting throughout the day has negative health impact; it can raise your risk of diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. 

A combination of both standing and sitting is ideal, which is why an adjustable standing desk is an excellent investment for anyone trying to improve their health. Sitting for long periods or standing for extended periods have negative health implications.

If you’re considering buying a sit-stand desk, think about how you want to incorporate it into your routine. The best way to use an adjustable standing desk is to stand for a while, sit, then stand again. Do this several times during the day. 

To start, stand for 30 minutes, a few times a day. Add an hour, then two or more as you feel comfortable. Your overall health will improve as you reduce your prolonged sitting time.

When you move the desk to a standing position, align your body correctly. Your head, neck, and spine should be straight when you stand, and make sure you bent your elbows at 90 degrees when you stand. Put your computer monitor level with your eyes, wear comfortable shoes with low or no heels, and use a cushioned mat for support. 

Once you’ve found the best adjustable sit-stand desk for you and you’ve got the correct alignment, you’ll be able to sit and stand at your desk easily and comfortably. Try our wide range of office desks today!


Standing Desks vs Standing Desk Converters: Which Is Better?

The choice between a standing desk and a standing desk converter often depends on what you are looking to gain from using the product. If you're only looking for an easy way to transition between sitting and standing while working at your computer, then a standing desk converter may be worth considering.

Suppose you want all of the benefits associated with increased activity throughout the day, as well as increased mobility and the ability to make work-related decisions on your feet. In that case, a stand-alone standing desk may be the wiser choice.

What Is a Standing Desk?

A stand up desk is an adjustable workspace that allows you to easily switch between sitting and working in a standing position. It is a raised surface, generally composed of a durable material such as wood or metal. The top sometimes includes ergonomic features like soft anti-fatigue mats, a keyboard platform, and a monitor arm.

A standing desk isn't a single piece of equipment but an entire workspace designed for sitting and standing throughout the day. Standing desks usually have a unique shape to accommodate this feature.

Some standing desks are single-tier, meaning the working surface is one flat surface. Others include extra work surfaces like drawers, shelves, or cabinets for storage.

What Is A Standing Desk Converter?

A standing desk converter is an item that allows you to transform your current desk into a standing desk. This is an excellent option if you don't have ample space or have a tight budget for a standing desk.

A standing desk converter (also known as a sit-stand desk converter) can be placed on top of any existing table or desk and provide a comfortable work surface adjusted to different heights throughout the day.

Standing desk converters are usually pretty small, roughly the size of an average laptop or printer. They range in height from around 15" up to 24", depending on the model of converter you purchase. The most noticeable feature is its broad base for stability and weight distribution.

standing desk converter
The Desky Zero Sit Stand Desk Converter comes assembled and ready to go. An internal gas spring makes adjusting height simple, and this converter costs less than a traditional standing desk.

Do Standing Desks Make Any Difference?

Yes, standing desks make a difference when it comes to productivity and health. There are many health benefits tied to having a standing desk. Research has shown that sitting for long periods every day at your existing desk is dangerous, even if you exercise regularly or get up to take breaks.

Some people deal with health issues that make it hard to work at a sitting desk. Standing desks can help these individuals ease back pain and other symptoms caused by improper posture.

Employees who use an excellent standing desk see increased energy levels and better mood. A standing desk reduces the risk of heart attack and diabetes.

Standing desks help with muscle and joint movement, and you don't have to fear for your back as much. Sitting all day long is detrimental to your health. A standing desk helps prevent weight gain.

Is a Standing Desk Converter Worth It?

Standing desk converters are more affordable and take up less space than traditional standing desks, so they're an alternative for those on a budget who may not need a permanent standing desk.

You may also be reluctant to invest in a standing desk without knowing if you'll love standing while at work. A standing desk converter can be a great way to try out standing at an affordable price, especially if you don't plan to stand often. If you're going to use your standing desk converter only once in a while, it can be folded and will take up minimal space when it's not in use.

Because a standing desk converter can be removed from your current desk, it's convenient for times when you need more space. If you plan to use your standing desk converter every day, it's best to look for a lightweight and portable model.

Some models are designed to remain on your desk and may be heavier, so moving around isn't very convenient. If you need more portability, consider a lighter model when making your choice.

The best standing desk converters are durable yet portable, so they are easy to relocate anywhere in your office.

Standing desk converters are a great value, but a standing desk can be a great investment. When it comes to getting more activity into your workday, don't underestimate the ability to switch regularly from sitting to standing at the press of a button with a standing desk, while you'll need to unfold and set up a standing desk converter every time you decide to switch to standing.

Standing Desks or Standing Desk Converter? How To Choose?

Treadmill Standing Desk

There are multiple issues to consider when examining standing desks vs standing desk converters:

  • How much space do you have in your home office setup?

  • How much time do you spend sitting per day, and how much time do you plan to stand?

  • What kind of activities will occur at your desk (typing, reading, eating)?

  • What task(s) do you need to accomplish at your standing desk?

  • Do you experience pain or discomfort? If so, what kind of aches and pains do you have?

  • Do aches go away when you stand up to work? Do they worsen when you stand for long periods?

  • How often will you be using the standing desk? Will it need to be mobile?

  • What will your budget for this purchase be? How much money do you want to spend on this project? 

Standing Desk with dual monitors

With regards to the number of features, standing desk converters are less versatile than full-size standing desks. Simply put, they offer fewer options for customisation. If you need a device with adjustability, you should choose a permanent standing desk instead.

There are many benefits of using standing desks. Some people deal with health issues that make sitting at their existing desk painful, so standing desks can help these individuals ease back pain and other symptoms caused by improper posture.

If you don't plan on standing often, are on a budget or are simply looking to try out standing at an affordable price, then a standing desk converter might be better for you. Chances are, it will be cheaper too. For those who travel for work often but would still like to stand at times, a standing desk converter takes up less space, is easier to transport, and can be taken with you to different locations.

Another great thing about a standing desk converter is that you can still use your pre-existing desk – it just sits on top of it. You don't have to change your desk completely – you can keep working as usual and change how you work by setting up and removing the converter as needed.

In terms of health benefits, the evidence suggests that working at a standing desk or standing desk converter with periods of standing can help you burn more calories and reduce your risk for obesity. 


If you're looking to buy a new desk, your budget is likely to be one of the most critical factors in your decision. There are various standing desks on the market, with prices ranging from around four hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

If you're on a tight budget, several affordable options are available, including laptop stands, standing desk converters, and manual height-adjustable desks.

If you have a larger budget, you could invest in a permanent standing desk. If cost is a concern, consider getting a converter instead. If you have more to spend, you can buy an electric height-adjustable desk. You can customize this desk to fit your specific needs. These desks are more expensive, but they offer a lot of flexibility and work for sitting and standing positions.

Space Available

Space is an important consideration. First consider your space limitations before you invest in a standing desk.

A monitor arm increases the amount of usable desk space. It's important to adjust the height of your desk and the height of your computer monitor independently. You will otherwise hunch forward while working.

A standing desk converter can be pretty small, and you can place items under the converter if you need more space. If you prefer to have all your work essentials on a single surface, a standing desk might be the best choice.

Our standing desk range comes in various sizes to suit your work environment. First decide how much space you need, then select from our range of desk sizes and types.


Ergonomics is so important when it comes to sitting or standing at our desks. The ultimate goal is always to reduce the risk of injury and increase comfort while sitting or standing for long periods at our desks.

Your health is essential, so you need to choose the best ergonomic office setup. Your wrist should be able to rest at a neutral angle while you work, and you want to avoid placing your keyboard at the edge of your desk or table.

Ergonomic Standing Desk

The correct screen height is critical when it comes to ergonomics. For your eyes to be in line with a screen placed directly in front of them, it is best to place the monitor level with the height of your elbows. To do this comfortably, you will need a screen that can move vertically.

While a standing desk involves a different kind of sitting-to-standing work day in comparison with what many people are familiar with, standing desks are far more ergonomic for many people than a traditional desk. Since people's needs vary, you should carefully evaluate your current workspace needs and ensure that your desk can be ergonomically adjusted to suit your sitting and standing heights.

Standing desks are very popular these days, and for a good reason: they offer a variety of health benefits over sitting at a traditional desk all day. If you're thinking of making the switch to a standing desk, weigh these factors while determining if it's worth investing in a full-size standing desk or if a standing desk converter will do the trick.

Desky offers a variety of electric office desks in different colours and styles, with multiple sizes available to suit any office. Get your new standing desk or converter today!


Are Standing Desks Bad For Your Knees?

Many of us have seen that sitting for long periods isn’t good for our health. To help solve this, several desk manufacturers make standing desks that are meant to prevent some of these health issues, including knee pain. 

However, can a height adjustable standing desk end up being bad for your knees? What if you have already experienced pain in your knees? Let’s take a look at what a standing desk can do for your knees and what you can do to keep one of these tools from hurting your knees rather than helping them. 

Is A Standing Desk Good For Your Knees?

Many of us that work at a desk have heard that sitting all day is unhealthy. Several health organizations have gone over the mechanics of how this happens and why workers should try to avoid sitting as much as possible. Still, it’s important to look at individual circumstances before making a blanket statement for everyone. 

On average, an individual should try to avoid sitting for long periods. Because of this, a standing desk can help prevent some of these issues by keeping the pressure of gravity off your back muscles and spreading it out to the rest of your body. Our bodies evolved to handle an upright posture, so it’s no surprise that standing is better for our body’s health than sitting. 

However, individual circumstances can heavily sway this trend. For example, workers that have weakened or ongoing knee issues might find that standing all day makes these issues worse. Worn-down cartilage in the knee can make standing for a while difficult as the bones of the legs rub together. 

Overall, the best practice to take when determining whether to favor standing or sitting at work is to talk to your doctor. A healthcare professional is better at making these sorts of calls because they have both the education and your health information to consider for this decision. 

Is Standing Better Than Sitting For Knee Pain?

Using a Dual Motorised electric adjustable Standing Desk

Knee pain can come from several different sources. Overuse, cartilage degradation, and many other afflictions can cause pain to radiate out from your knee. But, the source of pain in your knee can tell you whether or not you should be standing or sitting to recuperate. 

For example, most office workers who experience knee pain will find that it comes from a combination of poor posture and lack of exercise. If you don’t exercise your body, the tendons and muscles in your knee can grow weak over time. If this goes on long enough, something as simple as poor posture can cause pain by placing force on these weaker structures. 

On the other hand, standing for too long can put pressure on the cartilage of your knees. Over time, this pressure, combined with heavy lifting or movement, can wear out the cartilage. As this pain grows, sitting would be the better option since it would give your body a chance to recuperate. 

The shift to a sedentary lifestyle for most Western workers means that issues related to sitting for too long or age are the likely culprits for knee pain. For those seated the entire day, some exercise or standing breaks can help reduce some of this fatigue or pain by stretching and working the structures in your knee. 

Again, the best practice to take in figuring this out is to talk to your doctor. Different ailments can have the same symptoms, meaning that sitting may not be the issue for your knee pain. Individual circumstances always trump overall trends. 

Can Standing Desks Be Bad For You?

Yes, standing desks can be bad for you if you are using them the wrong way. If you use standing desks the wrong way, then a standing desk can be worse than a sitting desk for you and cause issues with your back and knees. The main factor here is the ergonomics of the standing desk and whether you are maintaining good posture while sitting and standing at your desk. 

When standing at your desk, you should be able to have your elbows at your side when typing. Your elbows should be at a ninety-degree angle without tensing the muscles in your arms or shoulders. Also, your wrists should hover above the keyboard without having to reach or stretch to get to anything. 

Is Standing Too Much Bad For Knees?

Yes, being in a standing position for too long can be bad for your knees. If you don’t take breaks from standing often or continue working despite ongoing knee pain, you might be doing damage to your knee and related structures in your body. 

For example, your knees have a flexible tissue inside of them called cartilage. This structure acts as a pad between the bones in your legs that keeps them from rubbing together. Over time, this cartilage can wear down, especially with overuse, and if it gets worn out entirely, the bones of the knee rub together and cause pain. 

By ignoring this pain in the bones, the pain will persist and hamper your ability to work. It can also cause the degradation of other tissues in the knee. So, as with many things in life, a balance between standing and sitting is the key. 

Tips On Avoiding Knee Pain With Standing Desks

There are a few things you can do to avoid getting knee pain from your standing desk. If you follow some of these tips, you can reduce your chance of causing knee pain.

gaming sit-stand desk

Set Your Standing Desk To The Correct Height

When setting the standing height for your stand-up desk, make sure that you have it set to the correct height. Much like with sitting desks, a standing desk needs to be set to the correct height to make the most of its ergonomic features. 

When you’re standing at the desk, your elbows should be by your side and bent at a ninety-degree angle. Additionally, your wrists should be hovering over the bottom of the keyboard when you are in this position. You shouldn’t have to reach or strain to reach anything on your desk. 

Stretch and Walk Regularly

Much like sitting, standing in one place for too long can put extended pressure on one portion of your body. It can cause knee and upper back pain and other health conditions if you do this for too long or too many days in a row. Try our article on combatting neck and shoulder pain with desk stretches if you're currently experiencing pain.

Walking away from your desk or stretching your legs can prevent some of these troubles. In addition to cutting down on your screen time, stretching helps move fatigue out of your muscles. It improves your blood flow, reduces weight gain, and flexes tendons. Keeping any part of your body from being in one position for too long is ideal.

Keep Your Posture Straight

Ultimately, the goal of good ergonomics is to enable healthy posture. When you keep your body in a slouched position for too long, it can lead to all of the health issues we think of from extended office work. Standing properly is critical.

Slouching or leaning back for a long period while at your standing desk is not good posture. Your head, neck, and back should be straight up with your shoulders relaxed. Adjust your computer monitor to match your height while standing. A monitor arm can help with the perfect height for your eye level.

Don’t angle your neck oddly as well to avoid neck pain. When using a standing desk, ensure your elbows are 90 degrees to the ground while using the mouse or keyboard.

Avoid Tight Clothes

While tight clothes can look great and feel good to wear when walking around, they might be affecting your body when at your desk. Tight clothes can encourage your body to adopt a posture or position that leads to poor ergonomics, causing fatigue and pain over time. 

The easiest way to fix this problem is to avoid tight clothes. Otherwise, you can choose your outfits based on where your workday will take you. A day out traveling or walking would be good for these tighter outfits, while a looser outfit will help you stay relaxed and maintain good posture while at your desk. 

Wear The Right Shoes

When standing, the force of gravity presses down on your feet. If you are wearing uncomfortable shoes, this force can cause foot pain, leading to fatigue and plantar fasciitis.

When using standing desks, padded insoles for your shoes can go a long way to avoiding this pain. Insoles that mold to the shape of your foot are even better since they help distribute force across the entire bottom surface of your foot.  

Use An Anti-Fatigue Mat

In addition to the right shoes, the right mat can help improve your knee pain. Harder surfaces apply more force to your feet over time than softer ones, resulting in an increased chance of pain and tendon issues. 

An anti-fatigue mat underneath you while standing can soften the floor you’ll stand on. This change can better distribute the force of gravity across your muscle groups, preventing one muscle group from taking too much fatigue. 

Take A Seat Every So Often

At the end of the day, standing desks are popular because of their ability to switch between a sitting and standing posture while working, which is ideal for for most people. It allows them to avoid staying in one position for too long, which is the primary cause of knee pain while standing.    

If you don’t have a sit-stand desk, taking a walk or standing for a few minutes can help relax your body and prevent sitting fatigue from building up. 

Are Standing Desks Worth It For Knee Pain?

Overall, standing desks aren't innately bad for knees. In fact, for many office workers and other sedentary members of the workforce, a standing desk could help offset some of the lifestyle issues caused by sitting all day. 

To prevent any knee pain when using a standing desk, adding some padding to your shoes or floor can help spread out the force when standing across your entire foot, preventing health issues. Also, proper posture and placement of your arms and shoulders can keep you from adopting positions that put extra weight or pressure on your knees. Using standing desks has other health benefits as well - take a look at Desky's range of sit stand desks today and improve your health at the workplace!


Standing Desks vs Standing Desk Converters: Which Is Better?

The choice between a standing desk and a standing desk converter often depends on what you are looking to gain from using the product. If you're only looking for an easy way to transition between sitting and standing while working at your computer, then a standing desk converter may be worth considering.

Suppose you want all of the benefits associated with increased activity throughout the day, as well as increased mobility and the ability to make work-related decisions on your feet. In that case, a stand-alone standing desk may be the wiser choice.

What Is a Standing Desk?

A standing desk is an adjustable workspace that allows you to easily switch between sitting and working in a standing position. It is a raised surface, generally composed of a durable material such as wood or metal. The top sometimes includes ergonomic features like soft anti-fatigue mats, a keyboard platform, and a monitor arm.

A standing desk isn't a single piece of equipment but an entire workspace designed for sitting and standing throughout the day. Standing desks usually have a unique shape to accommodate this feature.

Some standing desks are single-tier, meaning the working surface is one flat surface. Others include extra work surfaces like drawers, shelves, or cabinets for storage.

What Is A Standing Desk Converter?

A standing desk converter is an item that allows you to transform your current desk into a standing desk. This is an excellent option if you don't have ample space or have a tight budget for a standing desk.

A standing desk converter (also known as a sit-stand desk converter) can be placed on top of any existing table or desk and provide a comfortable work surface adjusted to different heights throughout the day.

Standing desk converters are usually pretty small, roughly the size of an average laptop or printer. They range in height from around 15" up to 24", depending on the model of converter you purchase. The most noticeable feature is its broad base for stability and weight distribution.

The Desky Zero Sit Stand Desk Converter comes assembled and ready to go. An internal gas spring makes adjusting height simple, and this converter costs less than a traditional standing desk.

Do Standing Desks Make Any Difference?

Yes, standing desks make a difference when it comes to productivity and health. There are many health benefits tied to having a standing desk. Research has shown that sitting for long periods every day at your existing desk is dangerous, even if you exercise regularly or get up to take breaks.

Some people deal with health issues that make it hard to work at a sitting desk. Standing desks can help these individuals ease back pain and other symptoms caused by improper posture.

Employees who use an excellent standing desk see increased energy levels and better mood. A standing desk reduces the risk of heart attack and diabetes.

Standing desks help with muscle and joint movement, and you don't have to fear for your back as much. Sitting all day long is detrimental to your health. A standing desk helps prevent weight gain.

Is a Standing Desk Converter Worth It?

Standing desk converters are more affordable and take up less space than traditional standing desks, so they're an alternative for those on a budget who may not need a permanent standing desk.

You may also be reluctant to invest in a standing desk without knowing if you'll love standing while at work. A standing desk converter can be a great way to try out standing at an affordable price, especially if you don't plan to stand often. If you're going to use your standing desk converter only once in a while, it can be folded and will take up minimal space when it's not in use.

Because a standing desk converter can be removed from your current desk, it's convenient for times when you need more space. If you plan to use your standing desk converter every day, it's best to look for a lightweight and portable model.

Some models are designed to remain on your desk and may be heavier, so moving around isn't very convenient. If you need more portability, consider a lighter model when making your choice.

The best standing desk converters are durable yet portable, so they are easy to relocate anywhere in your office.

Standing desk converters are a great value, but a standing desk can be a great investment. When it comes to getting more activity into your workday, don't underestimate the ability to switch regularly from sitting to standing at the press of a button with a standing desk, while you'll need to unfold and set up a standing desk converter every time you decide to switch to standing.

Standing Desks or Standing Desk Converter? How To Choose?

Treadmill Standing Desk

There are multiple issues to consider when examining standing desks vs standing desk converters:

  • How much space do you have in your home office setup?

  • How much time do you spend sitting per day, and how much time do you plan to stand?

  • What kind of activities will occur at your desk (typing, reading, eating)?

  • What task(s) do you need to accomplish at your standing desk?

  • Do you experience pain or discomfort? If so, what kind of aches and pains do you have?

  • Do aches go away when you stand up to work? Do they worsen when you stand for long periods?

  • How often will you be using the standing desk? Will it need to be mobile?

  • What will your budget for this purchase be? How much money do you want to spend on this project? 

Standing Desk Converter

With regards to the number of features, standing desk converters are less versatile than full-size standing desks. Simply put, they offer fewer options for customisation. If you need a device with adjustability, you should choose a permanent standing desk instead.

There are many benefits of using standing desks. Some people deal with health issues that make sitting at their existing desk painful, so standing desks can help these individuals ease back pain and other symptoms caused by improper posture.

If you don't plan on standing often, are on a budget or are simply looking to try out standing at an affordable price, then a standing desk converter might be better for you. Chances are, it will be cheaper too. For those who travel for work often but would still like to stand at times, a standing desk converter takes up less space, is easier to transport, and can be taken with you to different locations.

Another great thing about a standing desk converter is that you can still use your pre-existing desk – it just sits on top of it. You don't have to change your desk completely – you can keep working as usual and change how you work by setting up and removing the converter as needed.

In terms of health benefits, the evidence suggests that working at a standing desk or standing desk converter with periods of standing can help you burn more calories and reduce your risk for obesity. 


If you're looking to buy a new desk, your budget is likely to be one of the most critical factors in your decision. There are various standing desks on the market, with prices ranging from around four hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

If you're on a tight budget, several affordable options are available, including laptop stands, standing desk converters, and manual height-adjustable desks.

If you have a larger budget, you could invest in a permanent standing desk. If cost is a concern, consider getting a converter instead. If you have more to spend, you can buy an electric height-adjustable desk. You can customize this desk to fit your specific needs. These desks are more expensive, but they offer a lot of flexibility and work for sitting and standing positions.

Space Available

Space is an important consideration. First consider your space limitations before you invest in a standing desk.

A monitor arm increases the amount of usable desk space. It's important to adjust the height of your desk and the height of your computer monitor independently. You will otherwise hunch forward while working.

A standing desk converter can be pretty small, and you can place items under the converter if you need more space. If you prefer to have all your work essentials on a single surface, a standing desk might be the best choice.

Our standing desk range comes in various sizes to suit your work environment. First decide how much space you need, then select from our range of desk sizes and types.


Ergonomics is so important when it comes to sitting or standing at our desks. The ultimate goal is always to reduce the risk of injury and increase comfort while sitting or standing for long periods at our desks.

Your health is essential, so you need to choose the best ergonomic office setup. Your wrist should be able to rest at a neutral angle while you work, and you want to avoid placing your keyboard at the edge of your desk or table.

Ergonomic Standing Desk

The correct screen height is critical when it comes to ergonomics. For your eyes to be in line with a screen placed directly in front of them, it is best to place the monitor level with the height of your elbows. To do this comfortably, you will need a screen that can move vertically.

While a standing desk involves a different kind of sitting-to-standing work day in comparison with what many people are familiar with, standing desks are far more ergonomic for many people than a traditional desk. Since people's needs vary, you should carefully evaluate your current workspace needs and ensure that your desk can be ergonomically adjusted to suit your sitting and standing heights.

Standing desks are very popular these days, and for a good reason: they offer a variety of health benefits over sitting at a traditional desk all day. If you're thinking of making the switch to a standing desk, weigh these factors while determining if it's worth investing in a full-size standing desk or if a standing desk converter will do the trick.

Desky offers a variety of adjustable standing desks in different colors and styles, with multiple sizes available to suit any office. Get your new standing desk or converter today!


Sunday, March 13, 2022

Standing Desk vs Exercise Ball: Which Is Better?

Prolonged sitting in an office chair for hours on end can lead to many health issues within the body. As a result, standing desks and exercise balls cruise into prominence, allowing many users to lower their health risks and quickly increase their physical activity. 

Whether you’re using a desk to complete work, study for exams, or even play games, you’ll want to keep in mind both the standing desk and the exercise chair. 

Let’s take a deeper dive into this standing desk vs exercise ball battle to discover which product is the better option.

Standing Desk with a dark bamboo top

Standing Desks Vs Exercise Balls: What’s the Difference?

So, what’s the difference between a standing desk and an exercise ball? While the two products have a plethora of distinctions, one doesn’t necessarily have to be better than the other. Let’s look at what makes both a standing desk and an exercise ball appealing for workers with desk-bound occupations.

Standing Desks

The standing desk or stand-up desk first made a name for itself in the nineteenth century as an item only acquired by the rich. The desk served as a new way to get your work done without causing long-term effects to your health. The standing desk’s function is pretty self-explanatory within its name, allowing you to stand while you complete tasks in your workspace. 

Exercise Balls

The exercise ball first served a purpose for practicing yoga, increasing flexibility, strengthening the core, and enhancing balance. As time went by, the exercise ball has made its way into the office space as an innovative alternative to the typical desk chair and well-known standing desk. 

Is It Healthier To Work at a Standing Desk?

For decades, people have debated whether or not the standing desk is better and healthier than the traditional desk. The argument leads many to believe that purchasing a desk chair with more cushion and support would make more sense. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits the standing desk claims to offer:

Standing up burns more calories than sitting down, lowering your chances of weight gain.

  • It helps you achieve good posture.

  • Offers more pain relief in your back and neck.

  • Enhances your focus.

  • Adjusts the positioning of your wrist while typing or writing.

As you can expect, there are some caveats people note about the standing desk as well:

  • It could increase pain in your legs and feet.

  • Puts unnecessary amounts of pressure on your hips and knees.

  • Causes muscle fatigue.

  • Several hours of standing in one place can lead to sluggishness and a declined psychological state. 

Is an Exercise Ball Better Than a Desk Chair?

With the rise in fame of the exercise ball, is it truly the better option? There are several reasons why the desk chair progressively appears less and less in the traditional office space. Exercise balls display a variety of declarations that make them more appealing in your office space. Take a look at these benefits that make exercise balls worth considering:

  • Prevents you from suffering from poor posture.

  • The instability of the traditional exercise ball causes you to burn more active calories.

  • Activates your trunk muscles.

  • Increases core strength.

  • Leads to an overall decrease in physical discomfort. 

The traditional exercise or stability ball holds quite a bit of instability which can make it difficult to focus on the task at hand. When you’re constantly putting energy into making sure you don’t roll over or lose your balance, it may slow down your workflow.

Using an exercise ball at your desk could also require you to have an office space relatively low to the ground, even with the larger exercise balls. 

Essentially, exercise balls have many benefits that make them a healthier choice over the basic desk chair. The ball could also work as an exercise tool during impromptu workout sessions within your home.

Are Exercise Balls Good for Your Back?

Exercise balls are known to improve poor posture and increase your core strength. How beneficial or risky is an exercise ball on your back? 

Given the innumerable uses that come with owning an exercise ball, you can absolutely use the product to stretch out your back and promote pain relief. If you sit on the ball in a particular manner, it could further enhance your relaxation. 

Simply sitting upright on an exercise ball, unfortunately, may not be the best thing for your back. Sustained exercise for several hours leads to muscle fatigue. If you’re planning to sit on an exercise ball at your desk with nothing behind you, then you have zero support for your back. 

You may experience less back pain for a short period, but continuously sitting on an exercise ball as your desk chair’s replacement is not a great long-term solution.

Is It Good To Sit on an Exercise Ball at Work?

Exercise balls can be good to sit on at work for a short time. Using an exercise ball for maybe an hour while you work allows you to burn more calories while completing your tasks. If you think you’ll be having a shortened workday, then the exercise ball isn’t a bad idea. 

If you plan to work a long shift, whether at a formal office or in your home, you would be better off using a desk chair. Sitting on an exercise ball for extended periods while you do your work can be dangerous for several reasons. 

Exercise balls are typically only meant for light workout sessions. Your core muscles may benefit from lightly bouncing on a stability ball, but it’s challenging to maintain a normal seated position. If you’re constantly sitting on an exercise ball while you work, you’re putting extra pressure for which the ball may not be built. 

The most significant danger of sitting on an exercise ball while you work is the potential for it to burst from right under you. Continuous pressure placed on any yoga ball of any size can cause it to pop quicker. 

If your exercise ball bursts while you’re sitting on it, there are so many health risks that follow even a minor slip. It’s also highly crucial to make sure you’re not over-inflating your exercise ball before sitting on it. 

How Do You Sit on an Exercise Ball at Your Desk?

The way you sit on an exercise ball while working is exceptionally pivotal. If you really want to sit on an exercise ball at your desk, there are several steps to lessen your chances of hurting yourself. 

First, make sure your knees are situated below your hips while sitting on the ball. Some people prefer to sit with their knees and hips leveled out, but having your hips slightly above your knees while seated increases comfort. 

Make sure you are sitting up straight and that your ball is fully inflated but not over-inflated. You should also try to sit directly on top of the ball or scarcely forward on the yoga ball. Sitting too far back on your exercise ball allows you to slouch more and raises your risks of falling backward in an attempt to maintain balance.

One of the best options that allow you to sit on an exercise ball while maintaining back support is using an exercise ball chair. Exercise ball chairs essentially have an exercise ball built into the seat part of the chair, but there’s still a component attached to the back that you can lean on. 

What Size Exercise Ball Should I Get To Sit on at Work? 

In addition to making sure you sit on your exercise ball properly, you can’t simply pick any size or shape to sit on. You will ultimately want a much larger stability ball to sit on, but your height is the best determiner for the perfect size. 

If you’re not too far above 150cm tall, an exercise ball of 45cm width will be a decent fit. If you stand anywhere in between 150cm and 170cm, a ball that is closer to 55 to 60cm in width. For those who stand above 170cm or are altogether closer to 180, an exercise ball that is at least 65cm in width will be most suitable for you. 75cm balls are the superior option for anyone over 180cm. 

Should I Get a Standing Desk, Exercise Ball, or Both?

Both standing desks and exercise balls serve their purpose in the office. However, it’s not likely that you’ll have the ability to choose both when space is a limitation. Buying both items is also not always necessary, so which product should you choose? 

White Sit-Stand Desk

A standing desk can be a great addition to an ergonomic workspace, while exercise balls hold a pretty significant number of limitations. Exercise balls also take up quite a bit of space that you may not have.

If you have to choose between the two items, we recommend a standing desk as the best long-term solution for getting some exercise at your desk. Desky's standing desks are a great starting point in your journey to finding the perfect one for your home or office setting.

Interested in more equipment comparisons? See our last post on standing desks vs ergonomic chairs.


Do You Need A Mat For A Standing Desk?

Using a standing desk has several potential benefits, including decreased risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. But standing at your desk for several hours can make your joints feel achy and sap your energy reserves. This begs the question, "Do you need a mat for a standing desk?"

This guide will explore everything you need to know about anti-fatigue mats for standing desks. You can use this information to make an informed decision about whether an anti-fatigue mat might be a wise investment. 

We'll also explore a few top-notch options, helping you choose a mat that fits your budget and preferences. Without further ado, let's discover if anti-fatigue mats for standing desks work to keep you feeling comfortable and energised throughout the day!

What Are the Benefits of Anti-Fatigue Mats?

Standing desk mats (also called anti-fatigue mats) offer many benefits. Still, some of the most notable benefits of these padded mats are:

  • Reduced pressure on joints

  • Improved blood circulation

  • Increased comfort

  • Higher energy levels

When you're standing at your desk, gravity compresses the veins and joints in your feet and lower legs. While this might be immediately problematic, it can lead to achy joints and poor blood flow, especially when standing for several hours.

No matter how comfy your shoes or carpeting might be, standing for long periods can also cause widespread discomfort, particularly in your feet, ankles, legs, knees, and hips. The effort to remain standing may also lead to early afternoon fatigue and sleepiness.

Standing desk mats are designed to target all of these issues. They provide a padded area for your feet, reducing the amount of pressure on your feet. This cushioning can also improve blood circulation throughout your feet and legs, reducing the pins and needles feeling that often comes after several hours of standing.

A standing desk mat can make your workday far more comfortable and productive. After all, when you're not dealing with painful joints and sluggish circulation, you're bound to stay focused and get more done. 

But one of the most notable benefits of anti-fatigue mats is right there in the name—lessened feelings of exhaustion! Remember, sitting burns an average of 95 calories per hour, while standing consumes an average of 150 calories per hour. Consequently, using a standing desk requires more energy than sitting.

If you add impaired circulation or joint pain to the mix, feelings of fatigue are essentially unavoidable. That's because consistent pain and poor circulation can make you feel tired in no time. 

But supportive and comfortable standing desk mats help combat midday exhaustion by decreasing joint pressure and encouraging better blood circulation.

Do Anti-Fatigue Mats Help Back Pain?

Prolonged standing can lead to back pain, as gravity continually drags downward against your spinal column, compacting the squishy cartilage between each vertebra. Gravitational forces are so strong that they can make you slightly shorter throughout the day!

Unfortunately, the gradual compaction within the spine can put pressure on the nerve endings throughout your back, triggering pain. This sensation can arise while sitting and standing, making chronic lower back pain a common problem for those who work at desks.

Standing desk mats may help reduce painful sensations throughout your back, as the padding inside them pushes upward against your body. This action reduces pressure on nerves throughout the spine. 

These padded mats also absorb pressure, reducing shock to the joints and decreasing the likelihood of developing spinal aches.

Do Anti-Fatigue Mats Really Work?

Padded standing desk mats can reduce pressure on the joints, thus lessening a person's fatigue while working at a sit-stand desk. However, these mats typically aren't powerful enough to eliminate joint pressure, lower back pain, or fatigue that results from prolonged standing.

Fortunately, there are several things you can do to increase the effectiveness of a standing desk mat and reduce discomfort when standing for long periods. 

For example, you can take small breaks (every thirty minutes or so) to walk around the room, stay hydrated throughout your workday, and continually shift your weight while standing. Try exercises at your desk as well. But a cushioned desk mat encourages movement and can alter your standing routine, which is a huge advantage.

Are Anti-Fatigue Mats Necessary?

A standing desk mat isn't necessary for a standing desk setup, but it's incredibly beneficial. That's because cushioned standing mats are made of a shock-absorbent material that raises users off hard floors, resulting in a more comfortable standing position.

Still, if you'd rather work your leg muscles and increase blood flow while using a standing desk, you can also invest in a desk foot rocker or stationary elliptical machine. These accessories encourage users to make small movements to keep their balance or improve blood circulation.

How Thick Should an Anti-Fatigue Mat Be?

An anti-fatigue mat should be thick enough to separate the user from the flooring. Typically, this equates to a thickness of between 13mm and 26mm.

But there are a few things to consider when choosing a standing desk mat's thickness. Firstly, there's the level of support. Thicker padding means more support for your joints, reduced pressure on your knees and feet, and more comfort.

However, thicker mats can also pose a tripping hazard for those struggling to lift their feet more than a few centimetres. That's why you'll also want to consider the mat's edges.

Some standing desk mats have sloped edges that make them easier to transition onto. These sloped edges are also chair-friendly! Overall, individuals with significant nerve damage throughout their legs or feet may prefer to use a standing desk mat with sloped or bevelled edges.

Can You Put Anti-Fatigue Mats on Carpet?

Standing desk mats often feature non-slip backings. As such, you can put these desk mats on a hard floor, thin carpet tiles, or plush carpeting. If you notice that your standing desk mat moves around during use, you may want to invest in a larger mat or a thick mat that's slightly heavier.

How Do You Use an Anti-Fatigue Mat With a Chair?

It's entirely possible to use a standing desk may with a chair. However, you might not want to. After all, rolling an ergonomic office chair on and off a padded mat can create stubborn indentations in the cushion material and reduce the mat's lifespan.

We recommend storing your desk mat beneath your desk when you're not standing. That said, you could also push the standing desk mat slightly under the desk and place your feet there while sitting at your desk. 

Choosing flat mats can also make it easier to use a standing mat with a chair. A flat mat may not provide all the benefits of a thicker floor mat, but it's less likely to develop signs of wear and tear when paired with an office chair.

Which Is the Best Anti-Fatigue Mat?

Now that you're familiar with the benefits and uses of standing mats, it's time to explore some high-quality options. No matter your budget or personal preferences, there's a good chance that one of our top picks is the best standing desk mat for your office setup.

Anti-Fatigue Rectangle Standing Mat

This standing desk mat offers an astounding level of support, keeping you comfortable even after hours of standing. Unlike other, thinner floor mats, this model is about 19mm thick. As a result, it's thick and wide enough to keep you off hard surfaces like flat floors.

Its rectangular design also allows you to use it while standing and sitting. The horizontal position is ideal for standing, but you can shift it to a vertical position for sitting. In addition, the minimal edge degree makes it easy to slide your desk chair on and off the mat. 

Are you worried about slipping around while standing on this mat? Don't be! This option has a slightly textured surface that grips onto bare feet and shoes. It also features a non-slip bottom and weighs an impressive 2kg.

If you're someone who enjoys keeping their water bottle or coffee nearby during work, you'll also appreciate this mat's waterproof exterior. So if you happen to spill your favourite beverage while standing at your desk, cleanup is as simple as wiping away the liquid. Crumbs also bounce off this floor mat's surface and are easily vacuumed away.

We believe this is one of the best standing desk mats available, due in no small part to its relative thickness, hefty weight, and vast surface area. But, of course, the only way to find out is to try it for yourself!

Ball Anti-Fatigue Standing Mat

The best standing desk mats incorporate physical activity to improve blood flow and keep you feeling energised. Some do this by offering a wide surface area ideal for shifting weight from foot to foot, while others have slightly unstable bottoms that require users to keep their balance.

But this floor mat has a slightly textured surface that encourages movement, plus a small ball in the centre designed for standing foot massages. This firm ball massages pressure points throughout the foot, improving blood flow while stimulating nerve endings.

Because the massage ball is in the centre of the mat, users also have to move their bodies to use it. This tiny increase in physical activity might not seem like much, but it requires you to stand on one foot. 

While balancing, you'll need to use more muscles (such as your core muscles) to remain stable. Not only can this balancing routine promote good posture, but it could also lower your risk of developing specific health problems, particularly heart disease. 

Even better, this option has low bevelled edges that allow you to use it with an office chair. So, when you're ready to take a load off and have a seat, you can continue to massage the balls of your feet with this standing mat's unique pressure point massager.

Anti-Fatigue Stool Standing Mat

Are you looking for a standing desk mat that pairs well with desk stools? If so, you'll want to check out this unique standing mat! It's ideal for sitting and standing, making it one of the most capable options.

That said, this flat mat is slightly thinner than other options, with a width of about 16mm. Consequently, it might not be the best choice for extended periods of standing. 

But its curved edge and flatter design ensure that stools fit neatly against it, allowing you to rest your lower body with ease. Additionally, this floor mat is compact enough to fit beneath small desks, making it an excellent choice for tight workspaces.

Overall, this is a good standing desk mat for anyone using a desk stool at their adjustable sit-stand desk. Besides, due to its smaller size, it stores away easily when not in use. What's not to love?

How Long Do Anti-Fatigue Mats Last?

The lifespan of an anti-fatigue mat varies depending on usage frequency and material.

For example, a standing desk mat that's used for several hours each day and features thinner padding of 12.7mm might only last about half a year. Alternatively, thicker mats that enjoy infrequent use are likely to last a year or more.

But it's crucial to note that anti-fatigue mats for standing desks are often affordable. Consequently, you don't need to shy away from using your padded mat in an attempt to help it last longer. 

Chances are, you'll be able to purchase a budget-friendly replacement mat when your current one wears thin.

Final Thoughts

Having an anti-fatigue mat beneath your feet is an excellent way to keep yourself energised and comfortable while working at a standing desk. Many of these mats are also compatible with office chairs, making them multipurpose surfaces that are well-suited to adjustable sit-stand desks.

Even better, anti-fatigue mats for standing desks are incredibly affordable, with many costing less than a hundred dollars. So, if you're thinking of investing in a standing desk or making your standing desk experience more comfortable, be sure to select an anti-fatigue mat from Desky today!


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